
How To Add A Border To Your Stream

Believe it or not, there's more to live streaming on Twitch than turning on your webcam and launching a game; in fact, in that location are a number of means that you can really customize your Twitch aqueduct to make it more visible and appealing to viewers.

Twitch App Feature Image

From creating a custom Twitch overlay, to optimizing your channel settings, this guide will walk you lot through some of the best ways to improve your streaming experience and draw in more viewers. Nosotros'll be covering:

  • How to customize Twitch streams
  • How to edit Twitch streams
  • How to edit Twitch panels on mobile
  • And more top tips for drawing in viewers

Whether you lot're into Twitch IRL Streaming or casting your weekly Call of Duty session, customizing your stream is going to help you lot reach more than viewers with higher-quality content. And, with the latest updates to the Twitch Creator Dashboard, customizing your aqueduct has never been easier.
Let's get started!

Walkthrough: Customizing Your Twitch Aqueduct

Interested in taking your Twitch channel to the next level? Allow'south walk through the steps to successfully customize your business relationship and achieve a broader audition.

ane. What can you lot customize?

Before y'all tin can begin pimping your stream and catching the eyes of your viewers, information technology'due south of import to empathise exactly which parts of your Twitch channel you can customize – because there are plenty of things you lot tin can practice!

The customizable parts of your Twitch account are:

  • Channel name – you can change this to reverberate your game or stream

Twich Channel Name Customize

  • Avatar – make sure your picture is high quality and represents yous well

  • Imprint image – this is a large banner that sits at the summit of your profile and can be used to showcase your game or make

Twitch Channel Banner Image Customize

  • Info panels – you can customize the information that is displayed on these panels, including your social media links, schedule, and more

Twitch Info Pannel Customize

Your channel'south advent is just as important as the appearance of your stream itself, so take the time to get in await bully. This is an example of how your channel tin can expect if yous customize each of these list items and add a pop of color:

Twitch Channel Avatar,banner image and info panel customized output

2. Customize your Twitch channel proper noun and bio

Together, your name and bio requite potential viewers a snapshot of what your streams are about. This means that you'll want to brand sure that they are both accurate and interesting.

Your username and display name should be short and piece of cake to recall, while your bio can be a fleck more detailed. Brand sure to include what type of content you stream (like games, talk shows, etc.), as well as whatsoever other important information (such as your stream schedule).

How to edit your Username, Display Name, and Bio

  1. Commencement, you lot'll demand to navigate to dashboard.twitch.telly.
  2. Become to Settings on the left-hand-side toolbar, then hit Channel. This will give you lot admission to plenty of customization options, the starting time of which is your Username, Brandish Name, and Bio.

Twitch Channel Dashboard

3. To modify each of these, simply click on the fields and insert the desired text.

Note: you tin can only change your Username in one case every 60 days, and doing so volition too modify your URL. On the other paw, changing your Display Name volition non alter your URL and yous can do it at any time.

To add a description to your channel, you demand to add something chosen an Info Panel, which nosotros'll talk almost in detail in the next department.

3. Customize your Twitch avatar and banner

The avatar is one of the commencement things that people volition notice about you lot, so you should edit it to reflect your personality. Yous can use whatever epitome yous want as your avatar, but it's best to choose something that is both representative of you, and middle-catching.

If you don't accept any good images of yourself, consider using a grapheme or logo from ane of your favorite games or movies.

How to customize your avatar

  1. Equally directed in the previous department, navigate to your Creator Dashboard > Settings > Channel.
  2. In the tabs running along the top of the page, click on Brand. It should take you lot hither:

customize your twitch channel avatar

        three. Select Update Profile Film. From there, you lot can edit your electric current avatar or upload a                     new JPEG, PNG, or GIF upward to 10MB.

        4. Hitting Save, and yous're all done!

How to customize your banner

Banners are the comprehend image of your channel, and they are another slap-up mode to prepare your theme and artful. You can employ apps like Canva to make one, or pattern your own.

  1. Underneath the Profile Moving-picture show section in your Creator Dashboard (as outlined to a higher place), at that place is a section where you tin cull to customize your colors and preview with Lite Theme and Dark Theme.

2. Once you lot have set your colors, scroll down to Profile Banner. This is where you can customize the groundwork of your profile.

3. Choose to either use a Generated Background or upload a Custom Image, then click Save.

Twitch Channel Profile banner save button

iv. To update your Video Player Banner, scroll to the Video Player Banner box on the Brand page and click Update. You lot can then upload the image that your audience will encounter when you're offline.

Twitch Channel Update Video Player Banner

: alter your Video Role player Banner frequently with information virtually your schedule, aqueduct theme, or adjacent upcoming stream, to keep your audience in the loop!

four. Add together the last details

In that location are a few more details you tin can update through the Creator Dashboard, such as:

  • Your social media links (Creator Dashboard > Settings > Aqueduct > About)
  • Your streaming schedule, time zone, and calendar (Channel > Schedule)
  • Your featured creators, channels, and content categories (Channel > Featured Content)

Twitch Channel Creator Dashboard

5. Create a custom overlay

Some live streaming software allows y'all to customize your aqueduct further. With our Lightstream Studio, you can add together an extra personal touch by using customized overlays. This means y'all can add things like backgrounds and borders, text, audio and video, and other app integrations.

To use a custom overlay in Lightstream Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Brainstorm a new Gamer Project in Lightstream Studio. It should open up this folio:

Lightstream Custom Overlay setting

2. Then, click on the + icon in the green foursquare. This is where you lot will be given the selection to add custom overlays. You tin can add images, text, audio, and other third-party integrations:

Lightstream Custom Overlay setting 2

: you tin can easily blueprint a edge yourself through third-political party apps like Canva and Figma. When designing your overlay, choose colors and graphics that suit the vibe you are trying to create with your channel.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Twitch Info Panels

The next customizable component of your Twitch aqueduct are your Info Panels. These panels act like an 'About Me' section, displaying data about your channel and yourself. You can display information such every bit your social media links, your game and streaming schedule, or just virtually anything you'd like.

Adding a new Info Panel to your Twitch aqueduct

  1. Unlike the last few customizations, calculation and editing panels is done through visiting your aqueduct page. Go to > click your profile image in the superlative left-hand corner > click Aqueduct.
  2. Once you are at your aqueduct, click About. At that place will be a small toggle under your Bio that says Edit Panels – toggle information technology to 'on'.

Twitch Channel Name and Bio Customize

3. Click on the big square with a + in the middle. This volition allow you lot to add text or upload an Image Panel.

four. From there, you can requite your console a name, add an image and a link, and a description.

5. You will also see the option to add Extension panels, which allows you to link your social media pages and other content you'd like to feature.

vi. Once panels are added, they will await something like this:

Twich Channel Panel

How to edit and delete Twitch Info Panels

  • In the aforementioned way that you add Info Panels, you can also edit and delete them every bit desired. Toggle the Edit Panels switch to 'on'.
  • From there, you tin freely edit the information on all of your panels.

edit and delete Twitch Info Panels

  • Select Remove to delete a panel.
  • Toggle the switch back to the 'off' position when all your changes are complete, and you're done!

Adding and Editing Twitch Info Panels from your Mobile Device

If you're not using a calculator to customize your Twitch channel, the to a higher place instructions will still mostly employ – y'all'll just need to use the web browser on your mobile phone. This is because the Twitch mobile app does not provide an option for adding and editing Info Panels at this phase (notwithstanding, you can customize your username and bio from the app).

To navigate to the correct department on your mobile browser can be a niggling tricky, and so try to follow these steps as closely equally possible:

  1. Open your mobile browser and type in You volition be asked to log in, and information technology should bring y'all to a page that looks like this:

Adding and Editing Twitch Info Panels from your Mobile Device 1

2. Tap your profile image in the summit left-paw corner, merely don't click on Channel, every bit this volition have you over to the Twitch app.

3. Instead, click on Business relationship Settings. This will take you to a page that looks like the desktop layout:

Adding and Editing Twitch Info Panels from your Mobile Device 2

4. Click on your profile image one time more, and then tap Channel. You'll be able to see your channel just equally you would in a browser.

Adding and Editing Twitch Info Panels from your Mobile Device 3

Twich Channel Panel

five. Tap on the Most tab, toggle the Edit Panels switch to 'on', and you're ready to add or edit a console just as you did on your desktop browser:

Adding and Editing Twitch Info Panels from your Mobile Device 4

Editing and Deleting Your Twitch Profile from a Mobile Device

At times, you may decide that you want to edit your profile for a fresh aesthetic look. Yous may fifty-fifty want to disable information technology entirely and make a fresh start, especially if your channel has changed its creative direction or theme.

To do this from your mobile device is fairly simple:

  1. First, become to and log in. Tap on your contour image and click Account Settings.
  2. In the Profile tab, you lot will exist able to edit your Profile Picture, Profile Banner, Username, Brandish Proper noun, and Bio exactly how yous would on a desktop browser.

Editing Your Twitch Profile from a Mobile Device

iii. From the aforementioned page, you tin can as well Disable your Twitch account.

Disable or deleting Your Twitch Profile from a Mobile Device

Note: To delete your account altogether, you will need to type into your mobile web browser, enter your reason for deleting, and so click Delete Account.

Final Thoughts

Whether yous are an avid gamer who's changed your channel a million times over, or a newbie who has only learned how to stream on Twitch, customizing your Twitch channel is a neat manner to attract the audition you want.

By customizing the elements in a higher place, you can design your channel to perfectly fit the content you stream. A one thousand thousand-subscriber aqueduct is well within your reach!

Now that you lot're well-acquainted with the platform, are you excited to host your start live streaming session on Twitch? Here's your chance to do Twitch Game streaming at no cost, with a costless gamer trial session on us!

How To Add A Border To Your Stream,


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